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Emblic Extract

  • Naturalin Code: NAT-090
  • Product Specification: 10:1
  • Latin Name: Phyllanthus emblica L.
  • Test Method: TLC
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Patent Product:

Crafted with craftsmanship and excellent quality! Naturalin deep cultivation plant extract industry, driven by innovation, committed to the research and innovation of natural plant raw materials, with 40+ invention patents support. Among them, the invention patent of  "Emblic Extract": ZL 2022105029602.


Emblic (Emblicmyrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca tree) is a deciduous tree. In traditional medicine,  the fruit is used as an anti-tussive and an expectorant.  The dried fruit was used as an astringent, an anti-diarrheal, an anti-dysenteric, and a remedy of hemorrhoid. The active ingredients  from the emblic fruit are polyphenolic compounds, such as gallic acid, corilagin, chebulagic acid,  elaeocarpusin, and putranjivain A. 

1. Improve immune health
2. Reduce heartburn
3. Anti-aging benefits
4. Promote heart health
5. Lower blood sugar levels

• Nutritional supplement ingredient

• pharmaceutical ingredients


Please note that we are a wholesale company selling bulk quantities of 25 kg and greater.
We do not sell retail quantities to individuals.


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